+353 (0) 86 2532478 vet@martinkavanagh.ie

Sustainable Farm Systems & Cow Signals®

Sustainable Farm Systems

A farm is a carefully balanced system; a system that encompasses the elements of the right animal for the system, the right feeding and water management, the right and safest environment for the animal and the farmer, and the people who work within the system.
Regardless of the production system, these four elements need to be in balance if a farm is to be both sustainable and profitable.

There is a clear responsibility to respect the animals’ requirements, the farmers’ need to make a living and the consumers need to have safe and nutritious food. Our responsibility also extends to ensuring the farm system respects the environment.

“Healthy cows have better feed efficiency and longer lives, which is good for the cow and the farmer. By taking better care of cows, we can also diminish methane production in the dairy sector by 30%. By spreading the knowledge we can create a win-win-win situation for cows, farmers and the planet”

Joep Driessen Founder of Cow Signals® – https://www.cowsignals.com/en/about_us/

The farm system must also be respectful of the animals’ physical and functional needs, their mental state and their welfare status. (“The Five Domains Model “Mellor 2016).

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Cow Signals Workshops

I have facilitated Cow Signal Workshops all over the world as a Master Cow Signals Trainer since 2009. I have adapted the workshops to the training and skill needs of the participating company or organization. Also, I have adapted the workshop to accommodate different farm systems and make the workshop relevant to your system.

The workshop is a useful tool for developing sales, technical and management skills for everyone involved in farming, veterinary and agri-business.

Cow Signals workshop partners in Ireland:
Lely, Cainthus, XL Vets Skillnets, Easyfix, MSD Animal Health.

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Clients and Affiliations

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Got a questions?

4 + 13 =

+353 0 86 2532478

Silva, Dromline Rd., Tipperary, Co.Tipperary

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