+353 (0) 86 2532478 vet@martinkavanagh.ie

Helping Farmers – Farm Assessment & Action Plans

Animal Health and performance problems always cause distress. They affect the welfare of the herd, your working life and your profit. Sorting out the farm system and putting some structure on dealing with the health & performance issues is the first step.

vet for farmers in tipperary

Farm Performance One

Prescheduled farm visits, generally 3 hour visits, and phone and email contact. Visits and phone contact will be charged at an hourly rate

agri business in tipperary

Farm Performance Two

A farm visit, generally 3-4 hours, and phone and email contact. Visits and phone contact will be charged at an hourly rate

agri-business-in-tipperary martin kavanagh

Farm Herd Health Solutions

Farms visit with your vet, generally 3-4 hours, and post-visit reporting.

This model checks the resilience of a farming system. If one or more of these elements are not working, then the entire system will not function to its true capacity. The model is profit-centric and respects the needs of the people and the animals within the system.

A farm visit is necessary to understand the farm system, how the people who work on the farm operation and find the immediate bottlenecks within the farm system structure. A visit takes 3-4 hours.

More visits are scheduled as needed. Some farmers have arranged up to 4 visits a year to focus on key areas in the season such as calf rearing, breeding, SCC control, end of year analysis. Part of the package is the ongoing phone contact. Everyone working on the farm is involved in these visits, so there is always training and support for all.

The farms I work with keep in contact by email, on the phone so we are in constant discussion. Many of my clients find this great support to be able to get an independent view.

In many cases, it is really helpful to have the farm vet present so there is ongoing support for the farm protocols.

If a farm problem is a specific herd health issue then your Vet must be involved and I will follow the Veterinary Council of Ireland’s direction on communicating with your vet.


Clients and Affiliations


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Got a questions?

9 + 14 =

+353 0 86 2532478

Silva, Dromline Rd., Tipperary, Co.Tipperary

martin kavanagh vet in tipperary